Magnetize. Engage. Retain. 


I'm a storytelling and online course creation strategist, helping digital course creators use storytelling to supercharge their digital courses.

Let's do it together!


In a world of information overload and bland cookie-cutter courses, have you ever yearned to stand out, cut through the noise, and forge those authentic, soul-stirring connections with your perfect tribe?

Join me on a life-changing journey!

It happened on an almost empty Swiss Airline plane when the pandemic hit.

Fresh from researching storytelling among refugees at a German university, I was en route to Colorado for my regular teaching gig as a linguistic anthropologist (and to reunite with my neglected husband).

Masked up (yes, with an eye mask, the best I had), cocooned in a warm blanket, I pondered my life in academia and my burning desire to drive positive change.

You see, with a Ph.D. in linguistic anthropology and nearly two decades of teaching experience, education wasn't just a job—it was my passion.

Online teaching was my jam because it allowed me to witness students from all over the globe experience breakthroughs that transformed their lives.

But let me tell you...

Mastering online teaching wasn't a walk in the part at first.

I spent all my time crafting content for my courses, hoping to strike gold.

And my courses weren't exactly setting the world on fire, and my students? Well, they were dropping like flies and handing me lukewarm reviews.

So, I had to hustle and think fast. 

Luckily, my research on storytelling swooped in to save the day. I began infusing stories into every aspect of my courses, effectively communicating knowledge while keeping students engaged and eager for more.

But it wasn't until that plane ride that I had my 'Eureka!' moment(s)...

🌟 I wanted to launch my own business, breaking free from the confines of academia to share the magic of storytelling with fellow digital course creators.

🌟 My goal? To empower those who empower others—yes, including you, my amazing fellow creator!

But this wasn't my happily ever after - YET. 

As I glanced over all the vacant seats on that flight...

Doubts marched in and rained on my parade

Should I abandon my trusted career? What would people think? What do I know about running a business?

Being obsessed with lists, I quickly scribbled down my expertise that makes me, well, ME...

💡 my decades-long storytelling research adventures that included some wild fieldwork – it’s been quite a ride!

💡 my consulting job sharing my linguistic skills with fellow teachers to spice up their teaching content.

💡 my launching numerous online courses – a treasure chest of inspiration, really!

And I still LOVE that list. 

I use it as my superpower against that pesky imposter syndrome.

It has been guiding me towards doing what I genuinely love and excel at – designing courses and using storytelling to make them truly effective. 

So, my friend, what is your unique superpower?

Let's find out and unleash it together!



Clarify, Cut, TransformYour Ultimate Course Makeover Guide


Grab this FREE GUIDE to clarify your course outcome, cut irrelevant content, and transform your dream clients' lives-- in a simple, clear, and authentic way.


This is for you if you want to...

differentiate yourself

Make your courses truly one-of-a-kind in our competitive digital course market.

leave a lasting impact

Engage your clients on an emotional level so they will complete your course. 

optimize your course design

Apply a proven framework that ensures an impactful learning experience.

build strong connections

Humanize your teaching to build trust, and rapport.

Simplify learning

Streamline your content and deliver quick wins.

cultivate forever fans

Motivate your learners to return for more courses and spread the word.

Are you ready to write the first chapter of your online course success story?


If we haven't met yet, here are 10 things you probably didn't know about me...